Mukesh Ambani, chairman of Reliance Jio announced the much-awaited news for Jio 5G. The transition from 4G to 5G is a boost for the Indian economy and a further step toward the country’s growth and rich digital content. It is expected to be of very high speed and uses shorter frequencies and higher bandwidth. It was emphasized that it will be the True 5G in every sense.
Standalone Jio 5G Vs Non-Standalone 5G
Other telecom operators are also on their way to launching 5G services but the way of Reliance Jio is much more powerful and consumer friendly. Other operators like Airtel and Vodafone Idea are using the Non-Standalone 5G version which is a further upgradation of the already existing 4G network. There are some capabilities that only Standalone 5G architecture can have such as near-zero latency and high capacity.
Reliance has announced to launch of the Jio 5G i.e. a Standalone 5G which is full of benefits. It is not in any way dependent on 4G as in the case of Non-Standalone 5G and is built from scratch. Reliance Jio has also previously launched True 4G which was not dependent on 2G/3G. So, they can be trusted again with their achievement and that is the reason it was named Jio True 5G.
It is a sign of faster internet and powerful broadband connection at an affordable price. Consumers will be able to enjoy ultra-high-quality videos at a faster speed. It will be able to provide the consumer a combination of affordability, faster connectivity, and coverage.
The initial roll-out of the plan will cover the metropolitan cities i.e. Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai. But the announcement ensures that Jio 5G coverage will extend to the full pan-India by December 2023.